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Sabrina Telles-Kelekoma, Grade 11

Sabrina is a junior, she  tells us her feelings towards peer mediation. This is her third year in Peer Mediation. She joined to stop bullying because she has experienced bullying first hand and she wants to help others stand up for themselves. Sabrina says her little brother was her inspiration on joining this club because he always got picked on and stood up for himself and also stood up for others who got bullied. 



People working together to get the job done. Teamwork focuses on the objective at hand and all members are willing to contribute and sacrifice to accomplish the goal.


Jazlyn Rapozo, Grade 11

Jazlyn from Kapa'a, Hawaii is a junior and this is her third year in Peer Mediation. She joined peer mediation be she not only wanted to better herself but also wanted to better our community. She wants to make a difference, she wants people to know that they're not alone and that they'll always have somebody there for them.



A great leader is one who inspires and motivates a group of people to move and act as a single unit towards a common end. A leader puts the team's objectives and its members before his or her own wants and needs. A true leader takes responsibility for the team's shortfalls and gives the credit of success to its members. "Great leaders inspire greatness in others"

Ryan Montero, Grade 12

This is Ryan he is a power lifter and he loves to go on adventures especially in places that have beautiful scenery like Koke'e. Ryan joined this club because he wants to make a difference in the world. Peer Mediation gives him many life skills and keeps him in a satisfying mood, for example; whenever he makes others smile he feels happy because he as a peer mediator made a difference is someones life.


Peace is to do right. It is to love, it is to serve, it is to think, it is to be humble. Humility dissipates anger and heals old wounds by allowing us to see the dignity and worth of all people. Humility distinguishes the wise leader from the arrogant power-seeker. It allows us to say, "No, you first, my friend."

Bryana Kawamura, Grade 9 

This is Bryana, She was born here on Kauai. She is 14 years old. Bryana has a sister named Tia and she is 9 years old. Fun fact about her is that she has traveled most of the Hawaiian Islands. She has traveled to Oregon, California, Nevada, Washington, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine. Bryana joined Peer Mediation because she wants to makes a difference in other people's lives, She also joined because she wants to spread happiness and joy to others. Bryana heard Peer Mediation was an awesome club to join of what the club does to help the community. What also inspired Bryana to join Peer Mediation was because of the ohana you create with the other peer mediation members. 



Put the welfare of the community, the school, and the people you serve before your own. Selfless service is larger than just one person. In serving your community, you are doing your duty loyally without thought of recognition or gain. The basic building block of selfless service is the commitment of each team member to go a little further, endure a little longer, and look a little closer to see how he or she can add to the effort.

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Mediators are available during the school day to help. Drop us a line.


4695 Malihuna Road

Kapa'a, Hawai'i 96746


8:00 AM - 02:25 PM





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